
New Pretty Polly Fashion Tights: Fantastic

Yesterday we talked about Oriental styles. Pretty Polly have a few items this season that feature an Eastern influence, so we thought we’d follow the theme with another Pretty Polly design today.

Pretty Polly Fantastic is our next piece and one of our favourites this year.

Pretty Polly Fantastic Tights
Click the pic to see more

The pattern is much more simplistic than the one we reviewed in our last post. Pretty Polly have chosen lace or this piece. Tiny little spiderwebs make up a vast network of delicate little motifs. Lace is a fantastic material for this time of year. Pretty Polly are making a move into Autumn, so you’ll see a lot more ornate and crowded designs. Lace won’t be as cool as your average pair of Summer tights, but they’ll be light enough for mild and gentle mornings.

You can see from the complex arrangments here that Pretty Polly are sticking with the Boho look we mentioned yesterday. Smaller nets are great for Bohemian chic.

You can tell Pretty Polly are going for a visually mesmerising collection this year. Enchanting is built around alternating bands of circles and flowers. Fantastic is designed around an tessellating patterns. Each part is identical and fits together perfectly. You’re almost dragged into the optical illusion.

This is where the East makes it’s appearance. Fans have always been a beautiful symbol of Oriental fashion. In China, they decorate fans with pictures of flowers and nature scenes. Pretty Polly have tried to capture that careful beauty by putting together a wonderful collection of seashell shapes and gentle waves.

One word on the “where” and the “how”. The Enchanting Tights we reviewed yesterday were much more elaborate, and we think they’d be best for the aforementioned Bohemian look. These however, they’re much more subtle and versatile. These would be an ideal addition to a work outfit. Charcoal and chalk lines. A tasteful dark suit is ideal.

But Pretty Polly want a more sexy, feminine fashion piece here too. Go with a traditional cocktail dress and black patent shoes. Maybe slingbacks.

This is only the beginning. Pretty Polly still have another nine items to show us from their collection.

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